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- Desiree DeOrto
The Prophecy Page 16
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Page 16
Turning back to me she grabbed my elbow, pulling me to the first set of trunks. “Alright,” she whispered, casting a glance over at Brandon. “This is what we’re going to do. There probably wouldn't be anything useful in the boxes, so I say we focus on the trunks.”
“Why just them? There should be clothes spread throughout everything.”
She rolled her eyes and knelt down in front of the first trunk. “We're not looking for clothes. We'll leave that to him.”
“Okaaay,” I drawled out. “Then what are we looking for?”
“Seriously? Jesus, please pay attention this time!” I shrugged and sat down next to her. I'd do whatever it took to get this over with. “We're looking for any type of record. Like a journal or something.” She began unlatching and methodically removing the items from the trunk.
My confusion grew as I watched her empty out the entire trunk without looking at any of the items. “Dude, you're not even looking!”
“You're the movie master. Where are all the important things hidden?”
I threw my hands up in the air. This was beyond exasperating. “You're freaking insane, you know that? There isn't going to be any secret diary or master plans hidden in a fake bottom!”
“Ugh! Look, you can either help me, or go help Captain Fashionista over there. Your choice. And since when did you start ignoring aspects of movies?”
“Since shit in my life started blowing up! Jesus, don't you think that I have enough going on without having to worry about what happens in a movie?” I cringed as I looked over my shoulder at Brandon. He was holding a lacy concoction in front of him. I prayed to whoever would listen that he wouldn't get the urge to try it on. “And no, I don't want to go help him. God, I hope he doesn't try to get us into something completely girly.”
”Agreed.” She brushed her cropped hair behind her ears and got back to work. A look of determination was stamped across her face. “So just help, okay? You can start on the next trunk.” She waved me off into the general direction of the next trunk. I felt like I was working with a Nancy Drew wannabe.
I blew out a breath and headed over to it. All of this was useless. We'd only be spending hours looking for something that doesn't exist. Hidden compartment my ass.
Chapter Twenty-Two
I sat back on my heels, wiping my dusty palms against my pants. What felt like hours had past and the single bulb in the ceiling had its work cut out illuminating the room now. I looked over and saw the orderly stacks of items lined up neatly next to their trunks. Rose said we needed to be fast about it so that way Brandon wouldn't question us. So we decided not to return the items until they were finished. Or rather she decided. I really didn't have a say in any of it.
I wiped the sweat from my brow and grabbed my mass of auburn hair, pulling it away from my neck to ease some of the heat. Rose was still digging away in the trunks, though she was going much slower than when we first started the hunt. “Okay guys,” I called out, “I think it’s time to call it a day.”
Rose slumped down and ran both of her hands through her hair, causing it to stick up in places from the sweat and dust. “I second that.”
“Oh, come on guys! I was just finding the jewelry!” Came Brandon's voice from the back.
I looked to where his voice came from and frowned. I couldn't see him. “Dude, where are you anyways?”
His hand shot up from behind a massive pile of puffy, lacy items. I cringed at the sight.
“Haven't you found anything we could use for costumes?” Rose called out, exasperated with his exuberance.
“Well, yeah, but there's so much more—”
“Nah, you're done. Start putting the rest back.” Rose stood and started to stretch out her back. I grinned as I took in her dusty appearance.
“Why don't you guys go head down and I'll take care of all this.” I gestured to the piles of stuff scattered around the room.
“You sure?” Rose asked with a hopeful look on her face.
I waved them off and nodded. “Yeah, go get something to drink and clean up. I'll be down in a little bit.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” she said smartly, snapping off a salute before fleeing from the attic. “Come on Brandon! You can bring down what you've found and we can fight over what your ideas are!” she called over her shoulder.
With a cheeky wink, Brandon followed Rose down the stairs.
I sighed and looked at the mess around me. Maybe sending them off wasn't such a good idea. I picked up the closest pile and slowly stood up, not wanting to tip over the wobbly stack of pictures. I took a step toward the trunk it belonged to and flinched when a small marble fell from the middle of the stack, sending the pile toppling to the floor.
“Damn it.” I knelt to pick everything up again. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the marble roll toward a trunk we hadn't reached yet. I turned my attention away from it until I heard the sound of it hitting the trunk. I paused and looked over. “What was that?”
I stood and followed the path the marble made through the light layer of dust. I knelt in front of the trunk, grabbed the marble, and looked it over. I frowned and rolled it toward the trunk and held my breath as it hit its base, causing a hollow thud to sound. I leaned forward and opened the trunk and found it jam packed with items. I looked at where the marble hit.
I rasped my knuckles against the side of the trunk, my eyes widening as it went from sounding hollow to full the farther I went up. I looked closer and tried to see if there was any visible seams, a hidden button, something. I didn't find anything. “Great, Rose's crazy ideas are taking root. Just what I need.” I stood up and kicked the bottom of the trunk, only to jump back in shock as the bottom section came loose, revealing a hidden cavity. “Well holy fu—” I lay down quickly and peered into the hole, trying to see if there was anything in it.
I tentatively reached my hand in. I felt around for a minute and almost screamed as my fingertips hit an object. I removed my hand quickly, and tried to calm my breathing. “There's nothing bad in there, calm down.” I reached in again and quickly withdrew the item.
Laying before me was an old, leather bound book. I softly brushed off the dust and looked for any form of writing, or a symbol that would reveal what, exactly, it was. I didn't find anything as I ran my fingers over it. The smooth leather seemed to calm me. It was cool to the touch and didn't warm up from my body temperature. I looked from my hand to the book. Placing my hand fully onto it, I almost dropped it as the coolness from the book started to seep into my skin.
I looked around the attic, holding the book to my chest. Foregoing putting everything back, I headed down the stairs.
Mom and Brandon were rapidly going through the small pile of clothes that was spread out on the isle. They talked in hushed voices about all the costume possibilities they could be used for. Rose stood in the background, staring up at the ceiling, looking like she was seeking divine intervention. She looked at me as I walked in and quickly made her way over.
“Please tell them that we are not dressing up in anything fluffy or with sparkles!” she demanded, gesturing behind her. I looked past Rose's shoulder and watched as Mom and Brandon looked away guiltily.
“Seriously guys? You know we'd never go for it.”
“Oh, come on, honey! We're only trying to make this the best costume ever.”
I crossed my arms and sent a frown her way. “And you can achieve that without fluff or sparkles.” My eyes narrowed as I watched them converse quietly. Each gesturing toward Rose and me then quickly shaking their heads.
“Alright,” Brandon said, looking over at us. “No fluff, no sparkles. Got it.”
I ran my hand wearily over my face, then noticed the amount of dirt and dust on said hand. “Ugh, I'm freaking nasty. I'm going to go hop in the shower. Will you guys be okay without me?”
Already busy plotting the costumes, neither Brandon nor Mom looked up.
“Yup, we're good.” Brandon said, waving me off.
shook my head and looked at Rose. “Why don't you stay up here and make sure they don't go too crazy?”
She nodded in agreement and made her way back over to the counter. “I'm on it.” She said with a wink.
I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs, the book safely pressed into my side.
I walked into the bathroom and set the book gently on the counter. Peeling off the dirty, sweaty clothes, I quickly hopped into the shower. I kept peeking at the book every now and then as I washed the grime away. As I finished rinsing off, a loud rap sounded at the door. “Hold on!” I called out, turning off the water then grabbing a towel off the rack.
I stepped out, and wrapped myself up, and opened the door to see a very irritated Rose. “They're freaking going insane!” she nearly shouted, throwing her arms up in defeat.
“I don’t even want to know.” I glanced back at the book, then stepped out the door.
“Oh yes, you do. They have it in their heads that we're going as fairies.”
I paused. “Seriously?”
“Yup, wings and all.”
I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. “Oh come on! Couldn’t they think of a less girly outfit?”
“Oh, that's not even the good part. Apparently Brandon found some corsets.”
“Please tell me you're joking.”
“Afraid not. I just came down to warn you because they want you upstairs, pronto, in a tank top and shorts. You get to play dress up.” She said sarcastically.
“Why do I have to but you don't?” I sent an accusing look over my shoulder. This wasn't fair at all.
She shrugged and started walking away. “Because I offered you up for the sacrifice.”
I donned the specified clothes and stormed my way upstairs. “You guys can't be serious!”
“Shush. You're trying it on.” With a flurry of activity and fabric, Mom rushed toward me, trapping me against the wall. “The less you fight this, the faster it will be. So just do as I say.” She gave me one of those, 'you better listen to me or else' looks. I sighed heavily and threw up my hands in defeat.
“Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
Mom clapped her hands excitedly and made a turning motion with her finger. “Turn around, pumpkin. I want to see if this will fit.”
I did as told and faced the wall, closing my eyes in exasperation. Mom quickly wrapped the corset around me, then began tightening up the strings. “Jesus mom! Are you trying to suffocate me?” I felt like there was a bear literally giving me a bear hug. I worried that my ribs would splinter under the pressure. People in the old days were freaking insane!
She patted me on the shoulder and smiled. “It's not that tight. Besides, this is what you'd wear everyday back in the 1800's.”
“Thank heaven for small favors.” I muttered under her breath.
She shook her head and stepped back. “Okay, turn around so we can see how it fits.”
I turned slowly, afraid at any moment that I would end up toppling to the floor. Rose was trying valiantly to hold in her laughter. “What’s so funny? And don't forget that you get one too!” Her laughter vanished.
“Yeah, well luckily for me I'm not as endowed as you are.” She said with a smirk, gesturing to my chest.
I looked down and gasped. “I am not wearing this!”
“Star, it looks good honey.”
“Are you freaking serious? My boobs are almost touching my chin!” I shouted, gesturing to my said offense.
With a thoughtful look, Mom started staring at my chest.
“And you staring isn't helping anything Mom!” I quickly covered myself. “Seriously! That's the creepiest thing ever!”
“I'm your mom, not some forty year old guy. I wiped your butt as a child and bought you your first bra, so quit being so dramatic!” She yelled back, placing her hands on her hips. “Brandon, tell Star she looks fine.”
He blushed furiously and tried to clear his throat. “You look fabulous babe. The guys will be all over you.”
“Yeah, because that's exactly what I want!” I threw my hands up in the air. This was a disaster.
“Oh be quiet.” Mom snapped, walking back to me with a fluffy piece of fabric in her hand. “Here, step into this.”
“We said no fluff!” I screeched, looking at the item in horror.
She rolled her eyes and knelt down. “It's not fluff! Now quit being a baby and just do it!”
“You so owe me for this Rose!”
“Nope. Considering they're going to force this on me whenever their done with their evil scheme, I don't owe you crap.”
Mom clasped her hands in front of her as she stepped back. “Oh, this is going to be perfect!”
“You're trying to kill me, aren't you?”
“Star, you are such a—” Mom cut off mid-sentence as the doorbell rang. She pointed a finger at me and warned, “Don't you move a muscle, because we’re not done here.”
I looked at Brandon as Mom left the kitchen. “I can’t believe you would think to put me in this outfit!” I hissed, gesturing to the corset and fluffy mini skirt.
“Oh come on, you look hot! And after we get it dyed it will look even better.”
“Dyed? Jesus, please save me.” I pressed my fingers into my eyes.
“We’re not going to go crazy with it,” he said pleasingly. “We’re actually going to dye it black and hot pink, your favorite colors.”
“Yeah, like that makes this all better. Rose, help me out here!”
“Would love to, but I’m not going against your mom. That woman can be scary when she wants to be.”
I threw my head back and groaned. What else could go wrong?
“Star, you have company.” Mom said, walking back into the kitchen with a devilish smirk on her face.
I paled. “Mom, please tell me you didn’t—” my words cut off abruptly as I saw who walked in behind her.
With a predatory gleam in his dark eyes, Andrei walked in, arms crossed across his broad, muscular chest. I felt my breath catch as I locked gazes with him. His eyes slowly traveled over my body, causing me to flush as if he was physically touching every part that his eyes landed on. He paused as he reached my chest. His eyes narrowed, the gold flecks becoming more prominent. He winked as his gaze finally returned to my face.
I snapped my gaze away from him and looked at Rose helplessly. She smirked in return, gesturing for me to talk to Andrei. Lord kill me now.
“Star, where’s your manners?” Mom smiled politely at him, an odd gleam in her eyes. She didn’t miss his perusal.
“Oh, sorry Mom.” I cleared my throat and looked quickly at Andrei. “Mom, this is Andrei. Andrei, this is my mother, Eleanor.”
“Very nice to meet you, Mrs. McKinley.” He said, reaching out to shake her hand with a beautiful smile on his face. My eyes widened as she blushed. Were no women safe around him?
“Nice to meet you.” She got out. She shook her head and threw a look my way. Yeah Mom, I know how you feel. “Star hasn’t mentioned you, so I’m afraid I’m at a loss. Do you two go to school together?”
He chuckled. “No, I go to Rosewood Academy. I met Star over the summer, though I’m surprised she’s never mentioned me.” He raised a brow at me. Please oh Lord, or whomever is up there, just do me a favor and smite me.
I felt both of their gazes on me. I panicked, not knowing who to look at. “Mom, I did mention Andrei to you.”
She frowned and looked at me curiously. “You did? I don’t remember that. All I remember is you saying something about running into a jer—” her eyes widened as she caught on. “Oh, this is who you were talking about.”
I felt my entire face flush. I looked quickly at Andrei. Seeing the amused look on his face, I quickly looked away. “Yup. This is who I was talking about.”
“I see, well—” she looked pointedly to Brandon and Rose who were standing back, taking everything in with amused grins plastered to their faces. “We’ve got to go look for some jewelry to go with your c
ostume.” She gestured for them to go ahead of her, effectively herding them out of the kitchen. “It was nice to meet you, Andrei.” She said on her way out.
“You too, ma’am.”
I clasped my fingers in front of me. “So—” I leaned against the wall. “What are you doing here?”
He walked toward me and ever so slowly looked me over again, taking in even more this time than before. I couldn’t breathe with his hot gaze upon my body. My god, if the outfit doesn’t kill me, he will.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, and I just wanted to see how you were doing.” He stopped when he was only an inch away from me.
I could feel his body heat like a wave moving against me. I wanted to lean into him, become consumed by him. I shook my head, making my body go rigid. I wouldn’t give into the mad rush of desire sweeping through me. Couldn’t.
“I’m okay.”
He tilted his head to the side, studying me. “Somehow, I don’t believe that.”
I felt myself stiffen and returned his gaze evenly. “Well, I am, so no worries. Thanks for stopping by.”
He straightened and traced my cheek lightly with his fingertips, causing a delicious shiver to race through me. I bit my lip and looked up into his eyes.
“Still feisty— Hmm, I like that.” With a wink he lightly tapped my nose, then turned around and headed for the door.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as the door closed behind him. I shook my head and straightened, trying to keep steady on wobbly knees. “Jesus, I’m pathetic.” I was angry at myself for being so affected by him. Angry that even though he was gone, I still felt him with me.