The Prophecy Page 7
My head was swimming with Mary Beth's erratic conversation. Shaking my head, I gave up and went in search of the bathroom.
I was grateful that Mary Beth seemed to know what size I was. I braced myself and quickly walked back behind the counter and waited for Rosemary to notice me. She worked through the line of customers, offering soft smiles and quick jokes as she moved from one customer to the next. I hated to just stand around and was growing impatient. I was at my limit already. Whoever said patience was a virtue should be shot. I started to drum my fingers against the back counter while staring daggers into the back of Rose's head.
She glared at me but kept serving the customers. When the last of them left, I kept up the drumming.
“Would you just flipping stop!”
“Oh, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you?”
“Look, I don't care who you are, or who your mother is. You're not getting a free ride here, little Star. I don't have time to waste on you so why don't you just quit now and get it over with.”
“I don't know what your ridiculous problem with me is, and quite frankly, I don't care. You want to be a bitch? Fine, but just remember that I can be as big of a bitch. I'm not here for a handout, I'm here to work, and that's all. Either you can do your job and teach me, or I can find someone else who's more capable than you to do it.”
I glared down into Rose's emerald eyes, my anger rising along with the strange, almost electric, currents. The darkness was beckoning and I was tempted, oh so tempted to let it loose.
“You want to work? Fine. You'll work, little Star, and I'll be damned if you're still here by the end of the week.”
My face flushed with anger as she jabbed her finger sharply into my chest. I gritted my teeth, my temper on its edge. “Do. Not. Touch. Me.”
An evil smile flitted across her face. She poked me again. “Ooh, touchy are we?” I had had enough. My rage flared, sending all rational thought out of my head. I grabbed Rose's finger and flung the offending hand away from me. Getting right in Rose's face, I pushed her. “I told you not to fucking touch me!” At my shout, the remaining customers in the store stopped to stare at us.
The feeling of eyes boring into me fueled my rage even more. I felt the currents flare wildly off my body, starting to connect with objects around me. Slight movements from the counter caught my attention. I was shoved abruptly against the counter behind me, causing my attention to be pulled back to Rose.
She was standing toe to toe with me, her own anger seeping out through her eyes. Again, she pushed me. “You fucking BITCH!”
I snapped and pounced on Rosemary, effectively tackling her to the ground. The display products and merchandise on the front counter were thrown off in sync with my movement, almost like a storm blew in and threw them into the currents of rage radiating off of me.
We rolled along the floor, slapping and scratching at each other while shards of glass and Styrofoam rained down on us like a mock celebration.
Pain radiated through my scalp as Rosemary yanked my head back by my hair, creating a clean shot to my face. My head snapped back as the blow came, pain flicking across my jaw. I threw Rosemary off of me as, causing her to slam into the front counter. The force of the impact made the last remaining products to fall down onto her. Blood was steadily dripping from my mouth, fueling my rage.
I threw myself at her, starting to slap her repeatedly. With each blow, the darkness and waves of the electric currents flew out of me, causing small waves of destruction.
Books started to fly from their shelves, tables started to overturn and chairs were sent flying. Becoming fearful, the last remaining patrons fled from the scene, ducking and weaving, trying to avoid the flying objects.
I leaned back to get a better swing at Rosemary's face and didn't see her foot coming straight at me. Sliding sideways, Rosemary kicked the side of my face, officially dislodging me from sitting on her. I slammed into the ground and began rubbing the side of my face while glaring at Rose.
“Fucking short people!”
“Jealous much? Not my fault your flexibility sucks!”
We both stood up, warily watching each other while looking for an open area to attack. Okay, she's a leftie, so if I sweep in with a left uppercut, maybe I can decapitate the fuc—
“What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?” Her voice had turned odd, almost frightened. It sliced through my anger, leaving me feeling dizzy.
“Your eyes, dumb ass. What's wrong with them? They're the wrong color.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I felt shock course through my body.
She gestured toward the reflective surface of the display case. “See for yourself.”
“No, I'm not falling for that shit.”
“I'm being serious! Just look for fucks sake!” she took a couple steps back and raised her hands in surrender. ''I promise I won't finish kicking your ass until after you look.”
“Dude, you weren't kicking my ass! The only reason you got that shot in is because you're a damn midget!”
“Just shut up and look already! You're starting to creep me out! And I am NOT a midget!”
“Fine! I don't know what you're freaking out about but this shit is ridiculous!” I stomped over to the display and eyed Rose's proximity. Seeing my suspicion, she took another couple of steps back. Satisfied, I peered quickly into my reflection. I felt tendrils of ice work its way through my system as I stood there in shock. Those weren't my eyes.
“I told you it was creepy!” she moved closer, looking at my reflection.
Where normally my jewel toned violet eyes only had flecks of gray, they were now almost a liquid silver, burning in its intensity. Not a spot of violet could be seen. As the darkness abated, quickly replaced by fear, the gray started to recede. It slowly turning back to the normal, violet tone I was used to.
“What the hell is going on in here?”
We jumped back and looked guiltily at Mary Beth.
“What have you two done? If you think I'll allow any fighting on my clock you are sadly mistaken!”
“Mom! She started—''
“I did not! You're the one that's been a total bit—''
“I. Do. Not. Care. That is more than enough from both of you! Rosemary, lock the doors and turn over the closed sign. Starlette, you wait right here until she returns.” She crossed her arms angrily over her small frame.
I paced angrily back and forth. Yes, we shouldn't have fought, but I had more important things to worry about. Like my eyes changing a different color. I was beyond freaked and just wanted to go home, but I'd be damned if Rose put the blame solely on my doorstep. As Rosemary came back into sight, Mary Beth continued. “Both of you will spend the remainder of today cleaning. There will not be one item out of place or one speck of dust marring this store, do you understand me?” I looked over at Rose and could tell by her stunned eyes that she was just as shocked as I was over Mary Beth's sharp tone.
“At the end of the night, you will both report to me. Rosemary, you know where the cleaning supplies are, show Star. Both of you will work together, and if I hear so much as a peep from either of you, or one of those foul curse words again, so help me God there will be consequences. Severe consequences.”
She turned on her heel and stormed off, her multitude of flowing skirts snapping behind her. We both stared after her in stunned silence.
“Huh, momma's got backbone.”
“Oh shut up and let’s get to work. The faster we get this over with, the faster I can get away from you.” She stormed off toward the back room, leaving me behind to follow.
I was scrubbing down the counters while Rosemary was straightening up the tables and chairs that were thrown about.
“How, exactly, did all of this happen?” She asked without looking at me.
“I don't know.”
She stopped and sat down in one of the chairs, looking at me with a puzzled frown. “How do you not know? I mean, shit. This,” she
gestured around the destruction of the store, “is flipping insane.”
I stopped and sighed, turning to lean against the counter. I folded my arms protectively against myself, refusing to meet Rose's gaze. “Okay, so when two people hate each other very much, they get a strong urge to beat the shit out of one another.”
She ran her hands threw her short hair while groaning in frustration. “Look, I'm being serious here! I've never seen anything like this happen, and quite frankly, I'm freaked out.”
I looked down at the floor and started to twist my hair around my hands. “I know. I'm just as freaked out as you, even if I've had more time to deal with this.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Things— look, this is going to sound insane, but I really don't know how to explain it. Things just seem to happen around me. My mother calls them my little 'incidents'. I don't know how, or why they happen. They just do. Okay?” I glared at Rose and went back to cleaning.
We headed to the office after finishing. I rapped lightly against the frame and we waited for Mary Beth to answer. We jumped back as she threw open the door, her glare stunning in its coldness. I had never felt so belittled before by a single look. All the snarky comments died on my tongue as I froze under that icy glare.
“Is all the cleaning done?”
“Yes ma'am.” We replied in unison.
“Good. Now, that's not the end of your punishment. Until the two of you can get along, you will both be on the same shifts. That will be rather easy to do with school starting in a couple of weeks. You will take breaks together, work on the same projects together, and from the time you enter until the time you leave you will remain glued to each other’s sides. Do you understand me?”
“Mom, this is ridiculous!”
“Seriously ma'am, this isn't going to work! We can't stand to be near each other!”
She held up her hand for silence and waited until we were done talking over each other. “It will work. I won't have any more fighting from you two. Until you guys can learn to get along, that's the way it's going to be. Now Starlette, you can go ahead and clock out and head home. Here's your schedule for the next two weeks. Rosemary, head upstairs. I may be your boss while you're on the clock, but I'm your mother when we get home, do you understand?”
“Jesus mom! This is like double jeopardy! You shouldn't be able to punish me twice! And what about Star? She just gets off so easily?” She was practically yelling at her mother. She started muttering to herself about the injustice of it all as she stormed off a small distance and began pacing.
“Oh no, dear. I've already called Stars mother and informed her of the incident. I'm sure she'll hear all about it when she gets home.”
The grin that was tempted to break across my face died instantly. “Oh come on! You didn't have to call her!”
“Yes, I did. It's done, so you better get used to it. Your mother is waiting for your return.”
“Great. Just fuc—”
“Language Star!”
“Flipping great!”
“Yeah, not so happy now, are you?”
“Shut up Rose!” I stormed out and tried slamming the door behind me, but it was useless. Swinging doors don't make good objects to take your frustrations out on. I jumped out of the way, nearly being knocked over by the door attacking me.
On the drive home I went over and dismissed everything I could say to my parents to make them understand. I knew that regardless of what I said they'd still flip out on me. So I began to think of all the things I could do to Rosemary in retaliation for getting me into this mess. True, it wasn't entirely her fault, but if she wasn't such a bitch to begin with then I wouldn't have lashed out. Well, at least I hoped I wouldn't have. With how hectic my emotions were lately, there was a high possibility that I would have eventually. With happy thoughts of nefarious deeds floating through my mind, I pulled into the driveway and sat in my car. Tempted to just turn around and drive off.
It wouldn't do any good. If I drove off they'd end up tracking me down. I sighed and slowly started to walk to the front door. Before I even made it halfway up the sidewalk, the door swung open. Mom stood there, highlighted by the entryway light, glorious in her fury. I quickly averted my gaze and attempted to pass her. No such luck.
“Living room. Now.” She stated, then turned on her heel to storm away from me.
I realized that there would be no need to talk my way out of anything because I was screwed. Royally and totally screwed. I headed straight to the couch and slumped down, waiting for the onslaught to begin. I looked up into the glaring eyes of my mother and the resigned eyes of my father as the only thing that greeted me was silence.
“Well?” I asked, thinking they needed some prompting to get the yelling started and out of the way.
Mom raised her eyebrow at me. What was with all the raised brows lately? “Well what?”
“Um, aren't you guys going to yell at me?” I was confused. Usually by now I'd be able to zone out through all of the yelling.
“And why would we do that?” Dad asked with a raise of his brow too. Both of mine shot up in surprise. I think I've entered the twilight zone.
I cleared my throat and pushed my hair behind my ears. “Because I fought at work.”
“And what would we have to say about that?”
Frustrated, I switched my gaze between them. “How about how childish it was? Or how I need to learn to control my anger better? Oh, I know! 'You're in so much trouble Starlette! How could you do that! Do you have no restraint or self-control?'“ I said in an almost perfect replica of my mother’s voice.
“See, honey? I told you it would be faster this way.” Mom told Dad while still holding her death glare on me.
“Okay, seriously. What’s going on?”
“You see, we're rather tired of you acting up and us having to yell at you. I figured we could just remain silent and let you do that yourself.” Her back was ramrod straight and her tone cold. I shrank back from her, quickly crossing my emotional limit. “Now that that's out of the way, let’s move on to the punishment. On top of Mary Beth's at work discipline, you will also be grounded here. Now, I know that you haven't had the chance to go out and make any friends, and at the rate you're going I doubt you will. However, there is something we can use as punishment for you. Since you just love acting up, your therapy sessions have been increased from one day a week to three.”
My eyes bulged and I thought my jaw would hit the floor. “That's not fair! Come on, Mom! And what about my work schedule? Mary Beth already made it so it’s not like I can just change the hours on her now! And I'm sure James has a full schedule as it is with all the local crazies!”
“There's no use arguing. I've already called Dr. Morrison and notified him of what happened. He has agreed to the three days. Once we set a re-occurring time with him, I called Mary Beth back and informed her so your schedule works around it.”
“You told Mary Beth I'm seeing a shrink? Are you insane?” I jumped to my feet, beyond outraged. Didn't they understand the ramifications of their actions? I'd be ruined. Completely and utterly ruined. There wouldn't be a chance in hell that I'd ever be happy here once word of my therapy sessions got out.
“Starlette! Do not speak to your mother that way!”
I looked between the two of them, tears starting to burn in my eyes. I wouldn't cry in front of them. Couldn't. “You're both fucking stupid! Now everyone is going to know that I see a damn shrink! You've completely ruined any chance I've had of actually liking it here!”
“You have no right to speak to your mother in such—”
“How dare you! You don't understand the complications your actions have caused—”
They continued to shout over each other. I'd had enough. The darkness, for once, was silent. Leaving nothing for my emotions to hide behind. I felt raw, breakable. Like I was bare in front of the world as their misunderstandings and spitefulness whipped across my already tender flesh. I couldn't han
dle it.
I spun around and raced to my room, creating my own escape before the first tear fell.
Chapter Nine
I woke up with a throbbing pain on the side of my face. I gently probed the area, wincing from the tenderness. I got up and went to my bathroom. I grimaced at the sight of my face as I peered into the mirror. A large yellow bruise stretched from my cheekbone up to my ear. A small purple bruise rested at the right side of my mouth.
“Great. I have midget prints on my face.” I tried to stretch out the soreness in my body, but it didn't help. I still felt like I'd been trampled by a herd of miniature rhino's. I hopped into the shower and turned the water on as hot as I could stand. I let the water cascade down my body and rested my head against the tiled shower wall, slowly relaxing my aching muscles as the pulsating spray worked its magic.
Feeling somewhat human, I stepped out and wrapped myself in an extra-large towel. I was working through the tangles in my hair when Mom walked in.
“Here, I washed your uniform. Mary Beth said she'd send some more home with you today.” She leaned against the door frame, silently watching me.
“Yeah, thanks.” I didn't want to look at her. I didn't want to think about work or seeing Rosemary again. I finished up and looked over, surprised to see my mother still standing there. I figured she would have left by now. I sighed and leaned against the sink. “Is there something else you wanted?”
She shook her head and looked away. “No, there's nothing.” With a sad smile she reached out to touch me, but dropped her hand back to her side without making contact. “Have a good day, honey.” She left the room without waiting for a reply. I felt overwhelmed. Regret and sadness laced throughout my soul, weighing me down, damning me. Frustrated, I threw the brush onto the counter and stormed out.
At a quarter till eight I pulled up outside of the Nook. I wasn't excited about working. It would just mean more 'fun' with Rose and meeting more backwoods hillbillies. I winced as I put my hair behind my ear. Having a bruise on my face the size of Texas wasn't helping my attitude. I sighed and got out and locked it. I headed up to the doors and braced myself for a day with Rose.