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The Prophecy Page 8

  My eyes narrowed as I pulled on the door only to find it locked. I growled in frustration. This definitely wasn't helping my mood any. I was tempted to kick the door but held back and instead began pounding on the glass. I hoped that Rose wouldn't let me in so I could go home, though that prospect wasn't in the least appealing either.

  After waiting for a couple of minutes I sighed in resignation and turned to head back to the car. I quickly turned around as I heard a key turn in the lock, nearly tripping on the steps.

  “Easy there, tiger.” Came an unfamiliar masculine voice.

  I looked up from my unbalanced perch and into a gorgeous pair of baby blue eyes. They were the most beautiful set of eyes I've ever seen.

  I reached out to grasp his offered hand and took a moment to contemplate him. He was easily 6 foot tall, making me feel dainty as he towered over me. He had a strong face, with a beautiful bone structure that was perfectly proportioned. A strong jaw and chiseled cheek bones lent a hardness to him that bellied the softness found in his eyes. Flipping his slightly long, sun kissed light brown hair off of his forehead, he returned my appraisal. “Well, well. You must be the little Star I've heard so much about.”

  I looked over his well-built frame and returned blandly. “Yup, that would be me. And you are?”

  “I'm Brandon, coffee maker and book organizer extraordinaire!” he bowed with a heavy flourish. A slight smile crossed my face. Something was off about him. He was too pretty, too put together.

  “I've haven't seen you here yet. You just get back from vacation or something?” I followed him in, trying to figure out what exactly was different about him.

  “Yeah, my family and I just got back from New York. I've worked here since I was 15.”

  “Well, that's nice.”

  He laughed and sent a wink over his shoulder. “I suppose it is. Better than working at the bait shop, that's for sure.” He shrugged as he headed behind the coffee counter. “Can I make you anything before we open?”

  “Yeah, that would be great. I'll have whatever you're having.”

  “Oh, yay! My favorite person arrived! What, couldn't resist being with me again?”

  I stiffened at the sound of Rose's sarcasm. And so it begins. “Oh, you know how it is. Have to get in my daily dose of nasty hag, otherwise my day isn't complete.”

  Brandon almost dropped the coffee. He handed it to me with a wink, then turned to face Rose. “Hey baby, how you doin’?” He wiggled his eyebrows right before he grabbed her up in a giant hug.

  This time I almost dropped the coffee. Surely they weren't a couple?

  Rose swatted him on the arm. “You don't have to act around her, she's not important.”

  “Oh come on Rose, I have to practice for when school starts.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” I set my cup down. I didn't want it in anymore danger of falling.

  “None of your damn business, twat.” I rolled my eyes at Rose and looked to Brandon for an explanation.

  He tugged on Rose's hair. “Oh come on Rose, it won't hurt for her to know. Besides, we're all going to be besties.” He leaned against Rose's shoulder, causing her to stumble from the weight.

  “Get off you big oaf!” Shoving, she dislodged him from her shoulder. “And there's no way in hell I'm going to be her 'bestie'.”

  Brandon grinned and looked over at me. “Ooh, she really likes you.”

  I ignored his remark and looked at the two of them. “Seriously guys, what's the big secret.”

  He slapped Rose on the ass and quickly moved out of her reach. He walked to my side, his face a mask of severity. He leaned down, his breath fanning my ear. “I'm gay.”

  I was glad I put my cup down because what he said almost made me fall out of my chair. “You can't be serious!”

  “Oh yeah, one hundred percent babe.” He winked yet again. I swear that boy had a muscle problem with his eye. I looked to Rose for confirmation. She just shrugged and started to walk off. No help on that end.

  “Come on, little Star. We've got work to do.” She called after me. I followed slowly behind her and cast a half smile to Brandon. He returned the grin and went back to prepping the coffee bar.

  Chapter Ten

  The day flew by in a flurry of activity. I was getting agitated while trying to keep up with Rose. She was supposed to be training me but the only thing she offered was a constant supply of snarky comments. The only reason I was learning anything was by watching Rose and Brandon in action.

  They were a perfect team, each taking over where the other left off or helping each other out without having any need to ask. I felt like I was in the twilight zone by how much they smiled and joked with each other. I'd never seen Rose so nice. I shook my head and went back to sorting through the books.

  I said goodbye to Brandon and headed out the door. My relief of being off shift was short lived as I drove the small distance to the therapist office. I sent a small wave to the receptionist as I walked in. She smiled in return and gestured for me to go on back. I didn't hesitate to enter the office.

  I flopped down into the overstuffed leather chair and threw my legs over the arm, sinking lower and getting comfortable. I knew this would be a long session and I wasn't looking forward to it. I glanced over at James and noticed that he hadn't even looked up at my entrance. I sighed and cast a quick smile his way. “Is this going to be a repeat of our first session?”

  He looked up, a small smile on his face, then returned to whatever he was typing on his laptop. “No, I'm just forever buried in paperwork.” With a last click, he closed it and leaned back. “So, where were we last time?”

  I started to fidget and bore holes into the ceiling. “What, you don't want to go over what happened yesterday? Or where the bruises came from? I know my mom called you about it.”

  He steepled his fingers and started swiveling. “Yes, she called, and we'll get to that eventually, but nothing can be solved until we get to the root of everything. And that starts with the past.” I could feel his stare and could almost picture the pointed look he would be giving me. “So, where were we last time?”

  “We were at where mine and Becca's friendship started to fall apart.” I nearly whispered, sinking further into the chair. It wouldn't save me from this even if I buried myself in it.

  “Well, I can't tell it for you, so go on and talk.” He leaned back and put his hands behind his head, still swiveling back and forth in his chair.

  I blew out a breath and let my mind drift back to the past. “Well, you already know that it all started freshman year. Becca wanted more than what our small friendship could garner her.”

  “What do you mean by more?”

  “More friends, more notoriety, popularity. You know, what every teen dreams about.”

  “Hmm. And you didn't want any of that? Like you said, most kids your age want to be accepted into the most esteemed group.”

  “I never wanted it for the price it cost. Plus I had Becca. For me that was enough.” I refused to look at him and distracted myself by picking at my nails.

  “What was the price?”

  “Look, this is L.A. we're talking about, not a small town like this. Things work differently there. If you want to be on top, you have to be cut throat. Nothing is earned by kind gestures and a sweet smile. Becca was okay with that, but I wasn't.”

  “So what happened?”

  “She started sleeping around, getting into drugs and drinking a lot at parties. I went with her because I didn't want her to be alone there. I felt like I had to protect her and that maybe this was a phase she was going through. Turns out that I didn't really know her after all.”

  “What was the final break?”

  I closed my eyes as my mind played out that night.

  The party was on the outskirts of the city, near one of the many parks. Houses there were sold in the millions. Anything would be paid for the thought of privacy and nature, especially when thrown up against cities shining with concrete
and mortar.

  I could hear drunken laughter from the next room. I shook my head and went in search of Becca. I'd lost her earlier in the night and was getting worried. I just wanted to grab her and go home. Room after room showed no sign of her, but other party goers imbibing in the multitude of drugs and alcohol. I didn't drink or do drugs. I never saw the point in getting so trashed that you threw up for three days afterward. Nothing good ever came from it. I looked out the window and thought I saw Becca's long blond hair weaving into the tree line. I rushed out of the house and went to follow her.

  As I entered the woods, hands reached out and grabbed me. I freaked out and tried to scream through the hand that slammed over my mouth, my arms and legs flailing. The arms that banded around my ribcage was painful to the point of excruciating. Tears formed in my eyes as I was squeezed tighter.

  “Shh... No need for the fuss baby.” The cold whisper brushed against my neck. I felt nauseated from the beer fumes that wafted off his breath. I tried not to breathe. The pressure on my ribs helped me succeed in that. “Well, well. If it isn't the little Star. Always too good for us, aren't you? Well me and your friend Becca were going to have a little fun, but I've seemed to have found you instead of her—” his low chuckle sent shivers of dread down my spine. I bit back the taste of bile as he nuzzled my neck.

  “I think we're going to have a really good time, baby.” A whimper escaped me as he dragged me farther into the woods. He threw me to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. I gasped as pain shot through my lungs only to have my breathing inhibited again as he settled his massive weight against me, pinning me to the ground. I looked up through the tears streaming down my face. Shock coursed through my body as his face came into focus. I knew him.

  “Jason! What the hell do you think you're doing? Get the fuck off of me!” I sobbed, shoving uselessly against his chest.

  He grinned as he smoothed the hair away from my face. “Don't be like that, baby. You know I've wanted you for years now.”

  “You're with Becca!” This was beyond disgusting.

  “Like that really matters,” he laughed at me. “Come on, you know you want me.” I finally worked my arm free and slapped him with all the strength I could muster. His head snapped back, a look of surprise crossed his face. Spitting a small amount of blood from his mouth, he turned back toward me and got so close to my face that his nose touched mine. “That was a fucking mistake, bitch.”

  He slammed his mouth down onto mine, swallowing my screams. Taking both of my hands in his, he stretched them above my head and held them with one hand while his other hand reached down and fumbled with the clasp of my jeans. I thought my heart would pound out of my chest. Freeing my mouth from his, I started pleading with him to let me go, to stop.

  “What the fuck is this shit!” Came an outraged voice. I sobbed in relief as he stumbled off of me. I curled in on myself, and looked up into the eyes of my savior.

  “You fucking slut! I knew you always wanted him!” Becca shrieked, rage shining through her glazed eyes.

  “Wha— Becca! He attacked me!” I reached out to her, sobbing. I didn't understand.

  She looked from me to Jason. “Yeah right. You've always been jealous of me! You think I don't know that you want what I have?” Scoffing, she went to move away.

  “Becca! Are you serious? I don't want anything of yours and I sure as hell don't want to be anything like you!”

  She spun around and my head whipped back at the force of her slap. “You're fucking dead, do you understand me? I will destroy you.” With that icy threat, Becca left with Jason, leaving me to sob alone in the woods.

  I shook myself from the memory as I came back to the present. “Star, what was the final break?” James asked again. I glanced over at him and tried to hold the tears at bay. I blinked rapidly and returned my gaze back to the ceiling.

  “She thought I wanted what she had. We had a fight, and she vowed to destroy me.”

  “You mean destroy you physically?”

  A bitter laugh escaped as I looked at James. “No, not physically. Socially. It's the only thing that mattered to her.”

  He stared down at his desk, tapping out a rhythm with his fingers as he contemplated my words. “Did it work?”

  “What? Her destroying me?” I gestured around, bitterness coating my words. “I'm here, aren't I? What do you think the answer to that question is?”

  He leaned forward and rested his arms on the desk. I felt a surge of guilt roll through me like a wave as he remained silent.

  I sat up and shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable within my own skin.

  “I’m sorry.” I fluttered my hands, as if the action would clear my thoughts. It was useless. “I didn’t mean that the way it came out.”

  “Yes, you did. I understand that, to you, this,” He gestured around him, encompassing the whole town, “would be considered social suicide. Just like your perceived thoughts about our sessions. You’ve judged this town and its inhabitants based on preconceived notions, so you won’t give it a chance.”

  My pride rose up, demanding that I defend myself, deny his accusations. He just waved my words off and continued.

  “Star, I understand” That silenced me. “Believe it or not, I have traveled. I’ve been to big cities and I know how vastly different it is compared to a small town like this. The change would be difficult for anyone to adjust to. Add why you had to move here into the mix, and I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do.”

  “You don’t?” A surprised frown crossed my face. I expected him to droll on and on about how great it was here, about the need for me to start fresh. Basically a repeat of what my parents have lectured to me about. I wasn’t expecting his acceptance.

  “No, I don’t blame you. It’s perfectly understandable. But,” Here it is. “Regardless of how or why you came to be here, the truth of the matter is that you are here. Whether you enjoy it or not depends on you. The situation may suck, but no one has the ability to make your life here miserable except for yourself.”

  I let his words sink in, thinking back on how I reacted to the people that live here. How negative I've been about everything and everyone. Wrapping my hair around my hand, I jumped when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, causing me to pull my hair. I grimaced at the stinging sensation in my scalp and looked up at James.

  “Just think it over, okay?”

  I nodded and rose to my feet. “I will.” I surprised myself by the honesty behind my words. I smiled slightly and waved to him as he moved to sit behind his desk. “See you next time.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The week flew by faster than I expected. I looked forward to having the weekend off and finally be able to relax, but I still had a full work day ahead of me along with the last therapy session of the week. I wasn't looking forward to either of them. Work, because of having to deal with Rose. Therapy because of having to deal with myself.

  James had shed light on parts of me that I never knew existed, or rather, that I refused to see. I quickly came to realize that I didn’t like who I was becoming, but didn’t know how to stop it.

  Brandon greeted me with a cup of coffee as I walked into The Nook. I sent a grin his way as I breathed in the caffeine laden aroma. “What's the terror up to today?”

  “Oh, the usual. Breathing fire and eating babies.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and lightly slapped him on the arm. “I'm serious. What type of torture can I expect out of her today?”

  “Honestly, I don't know. She's been pretty quiet today, so I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he turned back to me. Damn he was built.

  “So I guess we'll just have to play it by ear today, eh?”

  “I swear, if you push your tits farther across that counter they're just going to pop out and blind all of us.”

  “Speak of the devil.” I said happily. Brandon gave me a thumbs up and turned back
to his work. I turned to face Rose and was stunned to see the circles under her eyes. I looked closely and noticed that they were slightly red and puffy too, which was weird. I thought evil never cried.

  I sauntered over to her, my sweetest smile in place. “I didn't know you were into checking women out. If I would have known that I would have found you a girlfriend by now.”

  “It's not my fault I can get people into bed, unlike you, Ms. Virgin.”

  “And it's not my fault I actually respect myself.” I spouted back, becoming flushed with anger.

  “Now, now, girls, there's plenty of me to go around.” Brandon gestured to himself while wiggling his eyebrows. “You both can bask in my awesome sauce.”

  We both doubled over with laughter, clutching our stomachs.

  “Did he seriously just use the term 'awesome sauce'?” I asked Rose between laughs.

  She wiped her eyes and tried to contain her laughter. “Yeah, that was epic. Brandon, I never want to hear about your 'awesome sauce' again.”

  He gestured between me and Rose, grin fully in place. “See girls? I knew you guys could get along.”

  We stared at each other, animosity cutting through the air making it tense. “And there it went.” He muttered to himself. He sighed and stepped between us. “Look guys, I'm getting really tired of this bitch fest. Rose, you're awesome when you let people in, and I know your dad—”

  “Don't talk about him.” She snapped, cutting him off with an icy glare.

  “Ooookay, don't use the 'D' word, got it. Anyways, obviously you have some issues about 'he who must not be named', but I think you'll realize that Star isn't going to hurt your family, me included. So can't you just try to get along with her?” he continued without waiting for Rose's reply and turned his big, blue eyed puppy dog look onto me. “And Star, you're completely new here and school is starting in two weeks. Don't you think you could hold down the animosity long enough to get some friends? It's going to be hard enough starting a new school, let alone starting one where you already have an enemy.” He looked at me pointedly. I sighed and looked over at Rose. She was looking anywhere except for at me.